The Bay to LA Actors Network is bonded (#100295114 American Contractors Indemnity Company) and following all Casting Society of America Workshop Guidelines. Our events are generally full-day educational intensives designed for the working actor to practice their acting and auditioning skills; to network with casting directors, industry professionals and other actors; to get feedback from professionals who work with actors for a living; and to learn about the business of television and film from people actively working inside the industry.
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CSA disclaimer: These workshops are a learning experience. They are not auditions or employment opportunities. When the workshops are over, the casting directors/casting associates (whichever is applicable) teaching the workshop will not be taking home nor be given access to your headshot, resume or any other of your promotional materials.

I love classes and workshops. I love hearing what each casting director has to say and how some CDs are polar opposites, while many are similar in their preferences. One overwhelming thing I’ve learned in almost two decades of attending classes is that the casting directors are always rooting for you to succeed. They always want YOU to be the solution to their problem! I believe attending classes and building relationships with CDs is just one brick in the foundation of an acting career. Demystifying the casting process takes the stress out of the big auditions when you get them, and hearing first hand from the CDs how actors are but one cog in the great production machine relieves the pressure we put on ourselves. We only need to learn to bring our best work and walk away and forget it. I encourage everyone to attend educational intensives and see for themselves!
–Kristi Swensson Burdsall