Adding Value to the Bay Area Acting Community

Since COVID there are more and more resources available for actors in the Bay Area, and all over the world. Many world-renowned training facilities opened their doors to online students, for the first time ever! Now, a mere couple of years later, training online in LA from anywhere in the world is normal.

While I am thrilled about the newfound accessibility, I struggle with where I can add value with Bay2LA. Pre-COVID, my specialty was full-day in-person educational intensives. There is incredible value in getting to know a casting director up close and personally, in an intimate, small group setting. I still believe this is an excellent way to build a relationship with a casting director, or with anyone, for that matter. You need time together to build any kind of relationship. While I am attempting to get back to in-person events, it is more difficult to get casting directors to want to travel now, venues are making up for a decline in bookings by doubling their rates, plus I am noticing a decline in in-person enrollment. I would love to know your thoughts about in-person versus online events, as well as the kinds of events that add value to you, personally. Please share your comments below!

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